September 15, 2008


What is relationship? Relationship is a connection between two individuals or with a group of people. Relationship can be between parent, friend, and boyfriend/girlfriend.

However is there any perfect relationship? Will son/daughter don't quarrel with their father/mother? Can there be forever friend? Can boyfriend or girlfriend don't quarrel with each other?

In life, there never be anything is "Perfect" including relationship. Children being annoy by their parents because they feel their nagging or worry is for no reason even it is consider by their parents as a good advice. No matter how long being as friend, still will be quarrel on something and affect the relationship and even leave a "scar" in the heart. Boyfriend or girlfriend will never satisfied or appreciate with what their had, just will continue demand or expect more and even think others boy or girl is better.

Everyone is searching for the perfect relationship but it is possible? Everyone is different in terms of personality, behavior, attitudes and the way of thinking. There will never be a person that think and act like you. People should not thinking of searching for perfect relationship but should learn to how to maintain a relationship. There are some people believed in "fate" but others don't. In this life, your family, friend and your love one had been determined and you can never change it until your dead. We should learn how to avoid quarrel with them and learn to live with them as who they are.

Everyone dream about prince and princess and like the fairy tale - "happy ever after". But in reality, they will be things to be quarrel about and things that you don't like. There is no term - "happy ever after".

In my opinion, in order to maintain any relationship, you must learn to tolerance and try to think things based on their angle. Sometimes, there is things that don't have right or wrong. You may consider it is wrong but other may view it otherwise. You can't blame them because they had right to view things or had their way of thinking.

To maintain the relationship with family, you must learn to be patient and be understanding. They will definitely nag, scold, scream and beat you (until certain extend) but they only do this because they feel it is good for you. They had been living as a person longer time than you, it never hurt to listen to their advice. Although you don't want their advice, just listen and then move on. Just don't argue with them, you must always learn how to respect and re-pay your parents. They had work hard all their life just for a better future for you. Even you may have a bad family, just consider this is fate, you can't change who your family will be, just had to live on and build yourself a better future.

Meanwhile, relationship with friend can be very easy and hard. Some people if don't like the friend, just stay away from him/her; just cut the communication, that easy. However, this may not be good, maybe you will meet him/her again in future whether as colleague or maybe as family because future and life is so unpredictable. It is always good to have a friend than an enemy. Sometimes if you really being a best friend with somebody, you should not let anything break this relationship, it is not easy to find somebody to talk to when you happy or sad and somebody who can hang out with, once you lost it, you may never able to find it.

Relationship between girlfriend and boyfriend is the hardest relationship to maintain. You must learn to adapt each other lifestyle, thinking, attitude, and way of doing things. Even it is similar like staying with your family but it is totally different things. You stay with your family since you are small; actually you are adapting your family lifestyle, attitude, etc. Therefore you won't get so many problems or issues. When you being with your girlfriend or boyfriend, it will be difficult, both had different childhood, lifestyle, thinking, attitude and way of doing things, it is totally different. You may say "I with him or her think alike" but actually at the end, there will be many things that are not alike after spending a long time together. In this relationship, you really must learn to accept who he/she is, everyone got his or her own weaknesses, it is not only your partner but also yourself, and just you didn't notice yourself. People always said he/she not suitable but actually nobody will ever suitable for you; you will face the same problem with somebody else. "People still is people" - got different and own thinking.

"Sorry for all the grammar, spelling or word mistake because my English is not so strong"